Sunday, January 21, 2007

Think for Yourself

Whatever happened to making a decision and doing something for ourselves, unencumbered by the suggestions or opinions or the direction of others? Do we really think we are that incapable of making choices and following through?
Recently I have heard well-meaning newscasters and reporters stating the obvious. Like, travelling in winter could mean trouble, so it's good to be prepared. How? Well, we must be dumb enough not to know it, because they're there to tell us: take along an extra pair of warm boots and a heavy jacket. Oh, really??
I have been told how to wash my hands. Hot soapy water? Geez, who’da thought?? I have been told how to drink water, how to lie in the sun, how to sleep, how to sit when I'm eating. I have been told that I should take out my garbage regularly. And these helpful reporters and newscasters even tell us where to find this information online. If you want to know how to get out of bed in the morning, just go to and the information will be there!
One of the silliest things I heard last week: how to play with your child. Indeed, someone is offering a course on it!! The video clip showed a mom and her toddler with a bunch of yellow tennis balls in front of them. The mother must have been incapable of comprehending how she could reach for one, and somehow make a game of passing it to her child. Thank heavens a play therapist was there – she even had advice on how long to do it.
Do we really need members of the media to tell us this stuff? Are we really that reliant on others to help us make decisions, are we that insecure in our own capability, that we cannot determine this for ourselves? Is the approval of others so important to us, that we are immobilized until some professional or other comes along to save us from our inept selves by showing us what to do? If you are unsure about how to answer that question (rhetorical though it may be) perhaps you can find help at


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