Sunday, April 06, 2008

16 Years

Knowing a bit about Saskatchewan politics has meant, unfortunately, being embarrassed by Pat Atkinson far more than is necessary. But her latest foray into self righteous indignation is less embarrassing than it is pathetic.
Pat handed over a tape, you see. A tape, made 16 years ago. No, you can't even say it was "made" for that would imply some effort and purpose and planning went into it. Rather, it was the result of a video camera left running at a post-political function, a gathering for unwinding. Yes, it was an indiscretion of the highest order. Those alcohol-induced blunders always are.
What a ruckus over nothing. Of course the remarks were offensive. Who hasn't made an offensive remark in the last 16 years? Think about it for a minute. To paraphrase the Bible, let that person who hasn't done anything offensive in the last decade and a half, be the first to cast a stone.
Immediately following the news reports of this supposedly important and significant tape was a re-run of Friends. Ross and Chandler were at a reunion, and discovered they'd broken a pact made 16 years ago. But all is well. And why is this so? Because it's been 16 years, they say.
How come the cast of Friends is smarter than we are?