When we were in AZ, a pair of Canadas would fly over every evening between 5:30 and 6. How majestic, I thot, proud that such a graceful and powerful bird could be associated with my land of birth.
Ah yes. But.
Those are the same nasty bastards that take exception to me invading their claimed territory around Jessie Lake back home in Bville.
I went for a bike ride today (50 min, 8.5 mi) following my usual route around the lake. I thot it'd be early enough in the year, that they wouldn't be here yet, but no. No less than FIVE of them stretched tall, squawked at me and flapped their wings menacingly.
"I'm not going to hurt you!" I screeched at them reassuringly. "Get out of my way, let me by, I'm effin' harmless!"
Then I employed a strategy I'd learned a long time ago, when a situation appears to be unravelling and something bad is imminent. I asked myself, "What's the WORST that can happen?" Is death certain? No. Serious injury? Not really..... Perhaps I could fall off my bike and get a few scrapes, or the offending gander might peck me viciously which would no doubt sting, or if he were really aggressive, bat me about the face and torso with his powerful wings. All tolerable outcomes. But still. . . I just hate it that I have these unpleasant incidents to deal with, I who despise confrontation at any time, of any kind, from any creature human or animal.
Still, I carried on. They all flew away at the last minute, probably saddling me with goose curses thus compromising my really good ride.
Ran 4K yesterday in 27:14, going nonstop. Then walked a bit, for a total of 35 minutes. I intended to go for a bike ride or do something else to make up an hour, but the time got away on me. Did 15 min of yardwork; does that count?
For some reason I'm starting to think that doing a run/walk is inferior to straight running, and I want to RUN a 10K totally instead of stopping. I say 10K because I don't think I could do a Half nonstop. Then again, at one point I didn't think I could ever do a half, period.
Beginning of the month, new month, new start! Struggling with sugar issues, like I seem to do every spring. What's up with that? Starting today . . . . .