Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Picking on the Protectors

Just a thot about the G8 Summit aftermath. I find it puzzling that the RCMP is being criticized for spending millions on security, partly because they paid overtime or holiday pay to some of the workers. Workers who, it turns out, had already clocked in their hours for that week or were on holidays, hence the pay issue.

What baffles me is, why are the cops being criticized? Is there nothing wrong with the folks who smashed in windows, burned cars, started other fires, and made a general nuisance of themselves, thus necessitating the extra police presence in the first place?

Ah well, the smart people know the difference. They won't be jumping on THIS media-driven bandwagon.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Forerunner Failure

Well, this morning's run didn't quite go as planned. I blame my Forerunner 305. The batteries must be low or something. It took forever to "locate satellites" and when it did, it asked me "Are You Indoors?" and it was on the YES button and I didn't know how to move it over to the NO side because NO I was NOT indoors, so I did what I always do with technology that challenges me: I grabbed the thing and pushed a bunch of knobs! And knobs there are -- three on one side, two on the other, and two buttons on the face.
It responded. It determined that I was INDOORS and therefore would want LAPS counted, so it started counting laps. But I didn't notice this right away; I saw that it was counting seconds/minutes so I started to run. After 15 minutes I checked to see how far I'd run and that space was empty, totally empty! So I pushed some more buttons and a little "f" showed up. Meanwhile there was a BIG EFF flashing around in my brain..... So I turned it off then on again -- when in doubt, reboot.
Long story short (already too late for that) I ran & walked for about 25 minutes. Am I ever surprised how much it pisses me off that I don't know how far I ran or how fast! Good to know.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

When Running Is Less Appealing

I have all the motivation I need. I'm following several people online, I've got books, the weather is perfect for running: nice and cool, no wind. I've got the clothes, the music, a good water bottle with a pulltop. And I've got the time! No commitments till after 2 this afternoon.

But I'm stalling, stalling. . . procrastinating!

So I'll do what I always do in that instance: I'll go get dressed, strap on my Garmin Forerunner, plug my MP3 tunes into my ears, go thru my shoe-tying ritual. . . and then . . . just head out the door because there's only one thing I can do when I'm dressed like this! And it shall follow as night the day, a slow rhythmic step which turns into deeper breathing and faster footwork, and my mind goes off into that zone, and I'm on my way!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Rain runs, and Shoes

Did I say I liked running in the rain?

Yes, I did.

I got back half an hour ago and my cap is still dripping. Clothes scattered across the banister, still wet. But guess what? The wettest part of the run i.e. the last half, was the absolute best! Felt cool, wasn't struggling to move or to breathe, it was just great.

Only a short run; I'm speaking in miles because that's what my Forerunner 301 shows me (except when I upload; then it goes in ks. Best of both worlds I guess.) I did 2 miles in 22:08, so I'm basically at my 11-min mile which I was doing at the height of my training in AZ.

Today I ran 2 mi, walked 1 min, then ran another 10. Minutes, not miles. Would've gone further maybe but it was pouring rain. There, I just contradicted my first statement, didn't I. Well, not really. A rain run includes a long-sleeved wick-away tech top or a jacket; all I had was a short-sleeved top, no gloves, and my hands and arms were freezing. Any run is good, if you're dressed for it!

I've been running in Asics gel nimbus 11 shoes for a year now, 2 Halfs and the training that goes with it, along with 4 10K runs and other daily short runs and weekly long runs (with some days and weeks, er, overlooked...) However many K or mi that is, I've not had much trouble with them. Some Achilles soreness, my right knee -- but all bearable pain.

I bought some Mizuno wave creation 12 shoes which came highly recommended, but I've noticed Achilles pain since I started using them this week. Wonder if that sez anything? Went back to my Asics today, and there's that Achilles soreness, and my knee is in need of ice, something I haven't done for months because I haven't felt it was necessary. I'll keep monitoring. Think I'll keep with the Asics for awhile; they're still in good shape. I think. How long can you run iin the same pair of shoes, when are they miled out? I have a pic of my old Mizunos somewhere; they got quite worn on the outside, establishing me as an underpronator, but the Asics have no visible wear'n'tear so far.

Meanwhile, shower time. It sure was a lovely rain run. Damn that felt good -- still feels good!

Monday, May 02, 2011

If I started training for a Half now, I'd be ready by mid-August. There's a run in Saskatoon then. Hmmmm.....

Went for what was supposed to be an easy 4K run this morning, figured I'd do it in about 26 minutes. But after five, and that's minutes NOT kms, I started to feel winded. Sluggish. So I stopped and walked a minute or so. Did it again -- and again! Took an extra 10 minutes to do 4K! Actually, it was 4.6K.

I'm always a bit disappointed if I don't go out there and have a fantastic (i.e. energetic satisfying) run, but I don't let it get me down because I know it'll be a good run tomorrow. Consistently -- the day after a bad run has ALWAYS been a good run for me, and I always find myself mumbling, "Geez, what was the problem yesterday?"

I am remembering someone's T-shirt at London's Run, Schnepf Farm: "They shall run and not be weary" - Isaiah.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Canada Geese and other issues

When we were in AZ, a pair of Canadas would fly over every evening between 5:30 and 6. How majestic, I thot, proud that such a graceful and powerful bird could be associated with my land of birth.

Ah yes. But.

Those are the same nasty bastards that take exception to me invading their claimed territory around Jessie Lake back home in Bville.

I went for a bike ride today (50 min, 8.5 mi) following my usual route around the lake. I thot it'd be early enough in the year, that they wouldn't be here yet, but no. No less than FIVE of them stretched tall, squawked at me and flapped their wings menacingly.

"I'm not going to hurt you!" I screeched at them reassuringly. "Get out of my way, let me by, I'm effin' harmless!"

Then I employed a strategy I'd learned a long time ago, when a situation appears to be unravelling and something bad is imminent. I asked myself, "What's the WORST that can happen?" Is death certain? No. Serious injury? Not really..... Perhaps I could fall off my bike and get a few scrapes, or the offending gander might peck me viciously which would no doubt sting, or if he were really aggressive, bat me about the face and torso with his powerful wings. All tolerable outcomes. But still. . . I just hate it that I have these unpleasant incidents to deal with, I who despise confrontation at any time, of any kind, from any creature human or animal.

Still, I carried on. They all flew away at the last minute, probably saddling me with goose curses thus compromising my really good ride.

Ran 4K yesterday in 27:14, going nonstop. Then walked a bit, for a total of 35 minutes. I intended to go for a bike ride or do something else to make up an hour, but the time got away on me. Did 15 min of yardwork; does that count?

For some reason I'm starting to think that doing a run/walk is inferior to straight running, and I want to RUN a 10K totally instead of stopping. I say 10K because I don't think I could do a Half nonstop. Then again, at one point I didn't think I could ever do a half, period.

Beginning of the month, new month, new start! Struggling with sugar issues, like I seem to do every spring. What's up with that? Starting today . . . . .