Saturday, January 17, 2009

Travel Plans

Well, won't this be exciting?
We are headed for those United States shortly, and I plan to post our adventures here and display some photos as well. Don't know how it's going to actually transpire; I find whenever technology is involved, what I want to do and what I accomplish are frequently far apart. Plus, there's the "different mindset factor" -- how we seem to always want to do different things, and this with amazing frequency.
For example, I was speculating earlier today about when and where we would be going, suggesting that we unhurriedly make our way to Vegas for Feb. 1st which is when we are expected there. Take it easy, travel slowly, see the sights, enjoy. . .
But of course, my travelling partner has no desire to travel slowly, see the sights, enjoy. . . He wants to hop in the car and head for Laughlin. We can simply retrace our path and go to Vegas on Feb. 1st as planned.
Why do this extra driving? Turns out there's snow "all the way down" and we are going to get away from it as fast as we can, just keep on driving until it disappears! Then pull up the horses and look around. But carry on to Laughlin. Cheaper there.
So I see already we are on different pages and this might make for a very interesting trip. Stay tuned. You'll be able to read between the lines.
So far this is the deal: Pack our stuff into the 97 Crown Vic, depart Monday Jan. 26 for Lethbridge, stay overnight, then to Helena on Tuesday, Idaho Falls on Wednesday, and then to Nevada (and likely Laughlin on Thursday) and back to Vegas on Sunday. I have to go running somewhere in all of this. Those are my biggest concerns right now: where and when to get my run in (5-8K a day preferred) and where & what to eat. Restaurant food doesn't appeal to me, and here I face the prospect of eating tons of it over the next few weeks.
We'll see how it goes.
But for now, this is it.


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