Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Stabbing vs Shooting

Well, we're back. And since we returned, there has been a preponderance of reported stabbings in the news. Even the mayor of Edmonton seems to want to empty our kitchen drawers so that we can no longer carve the Thanksgiving turkey; what? and let the bad guys win??
That seems to be the weapon of choice in this part of the country.
It's a bit different in The States; their weapon of choice is firearms. While we were there we heard of a nine-year old shooting his father and his father's male friend, killing them both. And we heard of an 11-year old who shot his father's pregnant girlfriend while she slept.
Their "right to bear arms" means you can walk into a store (or a counter in the gift shop at a ghost town!) and purchase a handgun for $97. With some sort of acquisition certificate, of course.
I found their driving to be aggressive and unpredictable (U-turns everywhere, blowing stop signs, no turn signals), but feared any form of retaliation such as honking the horn at them might trigger a road rage incident that would see them reaching into the glove compartment, glaring our way and inviting us to "Say hello to my little friend".
We spent billions trying to control the use of firearms in this country, and what do resourceful Canadians do? Go for the knife. I guess where there's a will, there's a way.


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